Meeting with eco influencer Paulina Górska

21 November 2023

How to become a world changer during the climate crisis?

This topic was discussed during the meeting on November 15, 2023, at GBC by Paulina Górska – an eco-activist, one of the top eco-influencers in Poland, and winner of numerous awards, including the ELLE Style Awards in the Responsible Fashion category. Paulina is not only the author of a blog on sustainable living in the spirit of “less waste” but also hosts the “Lepszy klimat” podcast, reaching hundreds of thousands of active social media users.

During the meeting, Paulina touched on many important issues related to ecology and a responsible approach to life. She talked, among other things, about the less-waste movement, the benefits of waste segregation, and the importance of sustainable business. Additionally, she raised key issues related to the climate crisis, such as the loss of biodiversity, melting glaciers, and extreme weather events, all relevant to everyday life.

The presentation also included practical solutions that each of us can implement in our daily lives right away, such as how not to waste food or how to use second-hand items and local, seasonal products.

Thank you to everyone for participating and being engaged! It was a great opportunity to look at our daily habits from a different perspective and learn how to start making real changes.